Romania Centenar – Small WW1 Expo & Reenactment in Fetesti

This year, in 2018, we celebrated the 100th national holiday of Romania, the Great Union Day also called Unification Day. The holiday was established after the Romanian Revolution from 1989, and marks the unification not only of Transylvania, but also of the provinces of Banat, Bessarabia and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom. All over the country events took place, and one of my friend from Fetesti was in charge with the festivities, so I helped him with a small expo and other things. 

Please see the next video for some cool frames from the parade.

The small expo at the local Culture House in Fetesti was made with the help from Asociatia Prospectorii Istoriei, some cool guys from Comanesti, Bacau, that have tons of WW1 relics.

Please check them up here:
 and here

Monumentul Eroilor din Fetesti
Festivitati Centenar Fetesti 2018
Centenar Romania in Fetesti
Expozitie fetesti detectie metal
Expozitie relicve primul razboi mondial
Expozitie harti si relicve primul razboi mondial
Relicve primul razboi mondial
Expozitie relicve primul razboi mondial
Harti lupte primul razboi mondial Dobrogea
Averescu insemnari zilnice din razboi
Medalie si brevet Crucea Comemorativa primul razboi mondial
Relicve austro ungare gasite in Romania
Relicve austro ungare gasite in Romania
Documente primul razboi Romania
Frontul de la Marasesti in primul razboi mondial
Carte regulament primul razboi mondial
Tablou soldat roman primul razboi mondial
Relicve austro ungare gasite in Romania
Relicve armata austro ungare gasite in Romania
Casca austro ungara din primul razboi mondial
Elevi interesati de primul razboi mondial

Next, a little video with the relics:

Some WW1 Reenactment show was made by Asociatia Culturala Tomis and Tradytsia Shumen from Bulgaria. Some pictures here and a short video at the end.

Romania Centenar - WW1 Reenactment in Fetesti - Asociatia Culturala Tomis
Romania Centenar - WW1 Reenactment in Fetesti Tradytsia Shumen
Reenactment in Fetesti - Tradytsia Shumen
Romania Centenar - WW1 Reenactment Asociatia Culturala Tomis
WW1 Reenactment in Fetesti - Asociatia Culturala Tomis
Romania Centenar - WW1 Reenactment in Fetesti - Asociatia Culturala Tomis
Romania Centenar - WW1 Reenactment in Fetesti - Tradytsia Shumen
WW1 Reenactment in Fetesti Tradytsia Shumen

Some live action next: