Sherman Tank lid found in Romania

Jassy – Kishinev Offensive area 1944 – Part 2 – Sherman Tank Lid & Shells

Well, you don’t find a Sherman tank lid every day 😀 Especialy, after calling it a day and heading to the car with the detector still on and the guy in front of you switches his off. In spring/summer 1944 the Jassy – Targul Frumos area “hosted” one of the biggest tank battles in Romania (if not the biggest). Cool 2 color camo scheme still present after cleaning and visible serial number. Thanks again, Andrei, for the help to carry it to the car 😀

 Sherman Tank metal detecting in Romania

Sherman Tank metal detecting in Romania

Sherman Tank metal detecting in Romania

Sherman Tank

Sherman Tank in Romania

Metal detecting in Romania

Sherman Tank Jassy in Romania

Sherman Tank metal detecting in Jassy

Sherman Tank metal detecting in Romania

Sherman Tank Romania

Sherman Tank Serial Number

Found also a US 75 mm shell. The tank gun M2 and the later M3 were the standard American tank guns of the World War II, used primarily on the two main American medium tanks of the war, the M3 Lee (M2 or M3 gun) and the M4 Sherman(M3 gun). The second one is a Russian one, given to me by Andrei, thanks again, man! Both of them most likely were from the US lend/lease program for Russia. More about the brass shell here:

US 75 mm gun tank gun M2 and the later M3

US 75 mm gun tank gun M2 and the later M3

Jassy 75mm FG

 Russian tank ammo