Dutch steel helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

Dutch M34 steel helmet used by the Romanian Army in WW2

Dutch steel helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

Dutch M34 steel helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

Dutch M 34 steel helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

The Romanian Army used in ww2 the Dutch M34 steel helmet

Royal Badge of the Romanian Army in ww2 on a Dutch m34 helmet

Romanian Army World War 2 Helmet Dutch M 34

Liner of a Dutch helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

Original Dutch Liner of a m34 helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

Liner of a Dutch m 34 helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

German Liner of a Dutch helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

Original German Liner of a m 34 Dutch helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

Replaced communist era liner in a Dutch helmet used by the Romanian Army in ww2

Romanian Army World War 2 Helmet

Dutch M 34 steel helmet Romanian Army in ww2

Dutch M 34 steel helmet Romanian Army in ww2

Dutch M 34 steel helmet Romanian Army in ww2

Dutch M 34 steel helmet Romanian Army in ww2

Dutch M 34 steel helmet Romanian Army in ww2

Dutch M 34 steel helmet Romanian Army in ww2

Soldiers name in a Dutch M34 Romanian Army used in World War 2 Helmet

Official Stamp in the Romanian Army World War 2 Helmet Dutch M 34

Official Stamp in the Romanian Army World War 2 Helmet Dutch M 34

Official Stamp in the Romanian Army World War 2 Helmet

Markings and Stamps in the Dutch M34 Romanian Army World War 2 Helmet

Markings and Stamps in the Dutch M34 Romanian Army World War 2 Helmet

Romanian Soldiers wearing the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

Romanian Soldiers wearing the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

Romanian Soldiers wearing Camouflage on the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

Romanian Soldiers wearing Camouflage on the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

Types of camouflage used by the Romanian Soldiers on the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

Types of camouflage used by the Romanian Soldiers on the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

White winter camouflage used by the Romanian Soldiers on the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

White winter camouflage used by the Romanian Soldiers on the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

White winter camouflage used by the Romanian Soldiers on the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

The Romanian soldiers with mud of their helmets as camouflage

The Romanian soldiers with mud of their helmets as camouflage

The Romanian soldiers used mud of their helmets as camouflage as not to shine in the sun

The Romanian soldiers with mud of their helmets as camouflage

Romanian Soldiers wearing Camouflage net on the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

Romanian Soldiers wearing wool hats under the Dutch m34 steel helmet in ww2

The Romanian soldiers with a white line on the back of their helmets not to be mistaken as enemies

Dutch M 34 steel helmet Romanian Army World War 2 Helmet